Olympic Stadium for the Dakar 2026 Games
The first initiative for sports development in Senegal, as part of preparations for the first Olympic event to take place in Africa, the 50,000-seat venue is the only stadium in Senegal certified for international football, and already one of the “Top Ten” of its kind in Africa. Dakar Olympics Stadium will serve for “Dakar 2026″ and beyond as design of the stadium aimed at making the country Africa’s go-to venue for international events.
Located in the Diamniadio, about 30 kilometers from Dakar, the region is developing within the framework of the masterplan as an extension of Dakar, and recently connected to the capital by an express railway line, which was put into service in December 2021. The first realization of the Masterplan has been the Dakar Congress Center (2013), followed by the Expo and hotel buildings which were also designed by Tabanlıoğlu Architects.
Part of the masterplan, the stadium project aims to create a relation between the stadium area and the urban tissue, visually and socially.
Formed around a 105 x 68m football pitch, a hybrid system is used on the field ground. The stadium is planned with a gross capacity of 50,000 seats. Line of vision grant spectators’ excellent views and the design of the seating bowl contributes to an exciting and intimate atmosphere within the simple opulence of natural light and material sensation. In addition to lower and upper tiers there are skyboxes and a president box, as well as 1045-seat for VIP spectators. Access to the stadium will be provided via 40 separate portals around the stadium.
Meeting FIFA and CAF standards for the African Cup of Nations (CAN), the design includes hard and soft landscaping and the enhancement of the area around the stadium, taking into account the requirements of vehicle and crowd movement, parking (2,040 open parking car-capacity ), maintenance, access and the design of the overall precinct.
Stade du Sénégal” comprises a football pitch in line with FIFA norms. The new stadium has four changing rooms, a conference room, two training rooms, and of course, a main field. There are additional locker rooms for the series competitions for the home and guest teams.
Close-by the Stadium, the annexed facilities are planned as reserve areas for athletes to train and for track-and-field sports, and other field events.
The roof is covered with a sun-permeable material so that daylight received in at the most effective manner, to meet the need for field.
Natural light optimization and the simplicity of the material at the tribunes contribute to a friendly atmosphere that supports the excitement of the parties.
Taking advantage of the opportunities of the climate, some of the energy required for operation is provided by solar panels covering the car park.
The rectangular stadium is enveloped in a curvilinear façade composed of multilayered metal mesh panels, creating soft edges.
Starting from the façade, where the stadium structure meets its surroundings, the colors and lighting infrastructure used reflect the colors and textures that refer to the local culture. The local motifs and forms adapted to the design carry Senegal’s values and identity to the project.
In a fan-friendly approach, besides spectators comfort in during games, addressing issues such as quality of facilities, the experience and comfort of using them and the continuing maintenance of these facilities, the precinct is designed as a dynamic “fan zone” where sports lovers gather even before getting into the stadium.
Besides being a stimulating and enjoyable place to visit for football spectators, the ring around the stadium is designed as an extremely accessible public park that serves the neighborhood in non-match days, as well. The facility also links to the leisure and the commercial zone, within the broad-spectrum of the design. The inclusive public space embodies the integration of human, sports and the city identity, while blending in nature.
The iconic structure becomes a glittering sculpture during the day, and dynamic at night with changing colors of light diffusing from the stadium and with projections on the surface.